The hottest new game in town, so to speak, is anything related to Twitter and Twitter marketing. With literally millions of relatively new followers joining Twitter everyday, you’d be crazy to listen to the few nay-sayers who will try to convince you that Twitter is just a fad.

Acheter des likes instagram friendly camera: square is the shape of Instagram photos and iOS7 provides shooting pictures in square mode, apart from the panorama, photo and video modes. As always just a horizontal swipe is enough to switch between modes. You can apply crazy filters to the photos. A large red button acts performs the shutter function in all the modes.

This means that the most fundamental and important criterion is the number of followers. Nonetheless, it is also equally important that you work on your profile with genuine interest.

Even if you haven’t had your website exist before social media, now is the time to grow that name of your site into the brand that can be known by a wider mas, when grown. A smart strategy is to take a look at the big dogs and catch “some” of those tricks they use, cause they have more experience in the field.

Some people may like to believe that social media does not have a place in the professional business world. Sorry, but that is old-school thinking (or maybe I should say, “That is so 2009 thinking!”) Today, search engines capture everything, and people expect to find out everything. When someone can’t find something on the web, they become that much more suspicious.

The best way to track social media traffic in Google Analytics is by creating a custom segment. This view provides a comprehensive dashboard of all traffic across all your social media channels. Google calls this an Advanced Segment. It’s an advanced feature but we’ll make it simple by outlining the steps below.

One of the best ways to get more interaction is to initiate interaction. Send an @reply to someone on twitter or RT their tweet. Give a +1 in to a post in Google+. LIKE someone’s Facebook post and share it with your friends. The Law of Reciprocity works like magic in the social media world.