The first, and perhaps the most important step, is to live within your income. In today’s society, this may seem like a foreign concept. It wasn’t always that way. In fact, prior to the advent of credit cards in the 1950s, living within one’s income was commonplace. About the only credit available was a home mortgage and a car loan.

So, in essence, in America, many of us have come to the point of not only perceiving that our National Wealth Center is not distributed fairly, but that somebody must absolutely make sure that such wealth is taken away (through increased taxation) from the few, greedy pigs who are controlling it all.

As with anything else, there are some rules and laws that apply to Roth IRA investments. If you don’t follow them your account National Wealth Center can lose its tax deferred status.

Now, many of us are wondering if the best days of America have already been experience. We hope not. We pray not. As Christians, we believe that America has been blessed because America has been a God-fearing nation. Some now are not so sure we fit that noble description any more. Some fear the warning found in Psalms 9:17: “The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.” Only God knows if we fit this description as a wicked nation. One thing is for certain: The present signs of national moral and spiritual decline, are not encouraging.

When a self-directed IRA custodian allows real estate, you have the advantage of investing in a largely untapped market that continues to grow, despite the housing surplus. It’s a market that your new IRA real estate custodian may be unaware of.

Get there early to get the best parking and take in all of the sights and sounds RenFest has to offer. Before you know it, the sun will be setting and it will be time to head home.

Also, stocks are not the only vehicle out there for growing your wealth. Look around and do your homework, and stay out of things you don’t fully understand.