If you’re looking for a vacation destination in Northern Europe with lots of sights to explore, head over to Sweden. The country sits next to Poland, Finland, Denmark, and Germany. This country has the strongest Vikings influences, as evidenced by the Ale’s Stones over at Scania.

The Nobel Museum is situated in the Old Town in Konferens. It was opened for public in 2001, exactly after 100 years when the first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. Henri Dunant, Founder of Red Cross, was among the first Nobel laureates to get the prize for Peace Work in 1901. As you visit around The Nobel Museum, you will get an opportunity to see the works of all the Nobel Prize winners. So far more than 800 laureates have been presented with the prize. Apart from the Nobel laureates, you will also get a chance to read more about the interesting personality of Alfred Nobel, Founder of Nobel Prize. The visitors are also offered guided tours in several languages at The Nobel Museum.

Let yourself be quiet long enough for your body to register how the visualization of each of your scenarios affects you on a physical level. Is Conference near Stockholm your heart rate constant? Do you have a spontaneous smile on your face? Or do you feel a sense of tension in your chest. Are your hand and feet suddenly cold? Your rational mind can try to convince you that this goal or that project is right for you, but your body doesn’t – can’t! – lie!

What was King Gustav II Adolf’s loss can be your gain. A Swedish naval vessel, the Vasa, was two years in the making and twenty minutes in the sailing before she sank. But, in the intervening 333 years before she was salvaged, what was preserved was the world’s most intact 17th century ship.

What’s your “Why”?: Many of us find ourselves rotating on life’s hamster wheel, feeling more and more disoriented and dissatisfied because we’re chasing after what others have told us to seek instead listening to – and trusting! – that small inner voice that speaks for our True Self.

A visit to Stockholm should be part of your itinerary. Stockholm now boasts it is one of the cleanest most organized cities in Europe, plus also is safe to be in. The people are friendly and also fluent in English wish can be a boost for any lonely traveler. Stockholm has a very active waterfront with clear crisp waters that are more than easy on the eye, which seems to form an ongoing theme in Sweden.

Even with insulin treatment, though significantly lowered, my blood glucose level remains high. I’m always hungry and begging the nurse to give me more food (hospital food in Sweden is pretty good), and sometimes she gives me a little more even though they’re obviously trying to limit my carbohydrate input in order to get my blood glucose level down.